Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Well, There You Pad

Looking back at early comments about the pad's role in our news distribution future, here's the latest development as my regional/local paper is launching its new free iPad specific app. Downloading later tonight, but I suspect it will operate like the website -- you must be a paying subscriber to read full stories, especially those that are proprietary content -- but the app itself is free.

I'd highly advocate that model -- as we did with iHog -- as we build forward. I foresee a "news reader" of our top content working a lot like Washington Post's app, or like Flipboard, to give the user a pad atmosphere. Content wise, the vast majority of the info is the same, just re-engineered into a new layout format. Cost wise, the world is trying to be subscription.

Think of it as two storefronts for your website -- one that is graphically based (read: Recruiting!) and one that is news based.

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