Saturday, January 08, 2011

One of Those Books

Throughout the blog I make references to Neil Postman, and one of his books in particular, Amusing Ourselves to Death. Postman died several years ago, and often you have to go used bookstore route to get a copy of the book. I noticed today a newer paperback edition is still on Amazon. It's inexpensive, it's short . . . and if every time Postman says "television" you substitute in your head either "internet" or "computer" this book from the 1980s rings shockingly true in the 21st century. In fact, a lot of Postman's concerns about what TV was doing to society weren't really able to come to fruition until the rise of the networked media.

So in the interest of both your opportunity to read Postman and my shameless commerce, here's the Amazon link I found.

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