Monday, May 11, 2009

Twitter Destroys the Mystery

Thinking about the obsession we have these days with "breaking news" -- from being the first to post it on a participatory media website or sending out a Tweet -- J.J. Abrams talks about why he's so obsessed with security on his projects:

"I completely understand the desire to find out behind-the-scenes details in a nanosecond. . . . the real damage isn't so much that the secret gets out. It's that the experience is destroyed. The illusion is diminished. Which may not matter to some. But then what's the point of actually seeing that movie or episode? . . . It's telling that the very term itself - spoiler - has become synonymous with "cool info you can her before the other guy". What no one remembers is that it literally means "to damage irreparably; to ruin".

Telling stuff -- particularly the experience part. If everyone is on the inside, where's the wonder of the new?

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