Friday, April 09, 2010

More Inflight

More notes on the iPad.s. USA TODAY still failing, and discovered a work-around for Blogger (choose the HTML entry rather than regular editing and you can get the ipad keyboard to recognize the test entry area.

This flight had GoGo service,  but $7.95 seemed like a lot for Internet access. Plus, you needed an account before getting on, so I could see losing a good deal of the connect time with the registration process.

BBC News pulled down the text of the news stories before I left XNA, so was able to read a lot of things that AP could not save.

Hmm . . . Some Lay's potato chips for a snack, but they only accept credit cards.  maybe that's why we've got wifi - to run the credit card swipe on the beverage cart.

Typing is getting easier; just like it did over about a week's use of the iPhone.

Here's one big asset - in the monstrously cramped space of my seat (a window seat on the two side of a MD80, further wedged by two sleeping passengers - one reclining and one in the aisle seat leaning) I can still type.  Never ever would have been able to even open the laptop here (twitpic to come).

I've joked with fellow SIDs that this was just the rebirth of the Model 100 with e small flat computer and the tiny little alpha only keyboard.

Maybe so.

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