Saturday, April 10, 2010

Continuing to Vegas

So now I have officially stopped traffic in the airplane as the flight attendants want to know about the iPad.

Since I was listening to a podcast with some interesting tweaks on building iPod/iPad icons, I've got the earbuds in and discover that this notepad has a really cool, realistic typewriter sound that comes along with the typing.

Been a long time since I've experienced the old Smith-Corona sound (I'm not Underwood old, people).

I guess this could become annoying, but it's actually a little comforting and helps block out the ambient noise of the cabin.  Now with you're gen x and not use to that you'd probably find it distracting.

I'm finding that my typing stroke is a little fast for the keyboard when I type my "th" and I'm getting a lot of unintended auto completes.

The spell/auto complete also allows you to touch back to errors.  An Ive that didn't put and auto apostrophe can be touched and corrected on the fly.

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