Monday, September 06, 2010

Sharing the Labor on Labor Day

Lots of talk at NAB 2010 among some of the digeratti about "reverse distribution networks." Let's just call them friends.

If your content is compelling, or you have a lot of friends that can help you in a good cause, a very effective and cost efficient way to get the word out is to put your fans to work for you.

See, everyone in the past had distribution lists to media so you could get a story out about an upcoming event. That's still a way to reach certain key demographics and put your facts and details in front of media VIPs.

Facebook and Twitter are the front line. Need to get the word out about, oh, let's say the most recent accomplishment of a star athlete and create buzz about the fact? Create a custom hash tag, share the meaning of the tag with those fans and let them go to work replicating your message.

This past weekend, we toss out to our fans -- with the instructions on what to do -- our new hash tag of #15Mallett. If they see that tag, we are telling them to retweet, repost, like and share.

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