Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Not Exactly a Crisis Policy

Even the big boys fail when it comes to crisis plans and public relations. First rule of public information officer -- tell the truth, particularly where life-safety is involved.

CNN brings us a look into the public relations work by British Petroleum from the Texas refinery blast back in 2005. It does not paint a pretty picture for the company or the profession.

A lot of the info provided is adversarial -- it comes from one of the key lawyers that battled BP for damages and gained access through court filings to internal documents and emails.

Lessons for colleges here: They will remember your past events, and dredge them up. They will compare your past performance to your present actions. And, the truth will out.

Oh, who is the they? Back in 2005, pretty much the traditional media. Today, with the fragmentation of brand control and the rise of new paths of dissemination of information -- they is everyone.

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