Thursday, November 27, 2008

You Betcha We Took the Phones

One of the few upsides to being stuck off from family on Thanksgiving is you have time to catch up on work and on TV. A replay of an interview with Sarah Palin provided this nugget. When Todd brought the family down to the lower 48 to catch up with mom for the announcement in Ohio that she was the VP candidate, he took away the kids cell phones. The story he told them was they were going to surprise mom at an anniversary dinner, and he couldn't risk them letting the secret out.

What he really knew is he couldn't risk the kids texting friends in Alaska that hey, we're all flying off together to surprise mom somewhere.


Same reason why every coaching departure in America is news within no less that 15 minutes. The kids text friends. They text more friends. It gets in the social media. And just like that, the regular media knows what's happening.

Gotta hand it to someone in that camp -- at least for one moment, the knew how to enforce message discipline.

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