Saturday, November 08, 2008

Jerry Springer; Media Savant

Tonight, Jerry Springer had the best explanation of the election I have heard from any pundant. On Hannity and Combs, the three were discussing the meaning of Obama earning two-thirds of the vote from those under 30. Springer pointed out is wasn’t just a youth vote. Obama is the first new media president. As surely as Kennedy would not be elected without television, Obama does not succeed without the employment of the internet on all levels – fund raising, reaching out through new media, touching a new electorate with their type of message.

I would extend that analogy further to include Franklin Roosevelt never gets elected without radio, and the way that he mastered the use of the medium to put forth his message. Perhaps even as far back as the Penny press and Grover Cleveland; Lincoln and the age of the great orators.

Future always belongs to the one who masters the medium of the moment.

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