Sunday, August 15, 2010

Robocalls Come to Athletics

One of the viral marketing tools making its way around college athletics are the simulated personal pitch for tickets. You fill out a form, get to see your number on a jersey than receive a robocall from the coach telling you how much you are needed.

Every athletic administrator who sees this done by another school races to get it for his school because it’s so cool.

Yep, feeds right into that desire for acceptance from good old Coach. Preys upon the insecurity of being needed by the group.

The question is: do they work?

Here’s my point. These marketing tools are directed at consumers of a particular product or team. Would those individuals have made the same purchase without the elaborate appeal – and the related financial cost? Could a more direct, simple and social network driven alternative have resulted in the same level or response? Was the increased response from the email and robocall eaten up by the overhead cost of the campaign?

Consider it the modern day equivalent of the splash screen with an opt-in feature.

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