Sunday, January 20, 2013

Seeking Cover

You know things are getting weird when the opening graph of a straight news story in the Chicago Tribune has this many covers.

The sup­posed ar­chi­tect of the Manti Te’o dead girl­friend hoax re­port­edly ad­mit­ted to fab­ri­cat­ing it with­out the for­mer Notre Dame star’s col­lu­sion, and a source con­firmed to the Tri­bune that the fic­ti­tious girl­friend told Te’o she faked her demise to avoid drug deal­ers.

I've not seen that many "supposed", "reported," and "alleged" in a lead since those made up crazy exercises from back in journalism 101.

Of course, it isn't helping that we have "sources" providing the details on the fictitious and the fake.

When no one is talking open and on the record, the nature of information is someone fills the void - even if the people giving the information are a shadowy as Kekua herself.

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